
How Kratom Can Help Wean Addiction

One of the reasons why Kratom is soaring in popularity in the western world is because it could supposedly help in weaning off from opium dependence. For individuals who depend on opium and opiates to relieve chronic pain, Kratom can be a good alternative since it does not supposedly possess the harmful side effect that opium use yields. The Renegade Pharmacist has explained how Kratom works in weaning opium dependents from heavy use of opiates. In its website, it explained how Kratom acts as a substance that could help addicts from overcoming their dependence. Can kratom be used to help wean off from opium addiction? ( Photo Credits )  “Kratom isn’t an opiate, but it activates the opiate receptors in the brain. It bonds with those receptors before an opioid would, easing the effects of addiction in some ways.This helps curb recovering addicts cravings for the drug they’re giving up without the risk of long-term dependency. Kratom benefits also reduce typical symptoms of opiate