How Kratom Can Help Wean Addiction

One of the reasons why Kratom is soaring in popularity in the western world is because it could supposedly help in weaning off from opium dependence. For individuals who depend on opium and opiates to relieve chronic pain, Kratom can be a good alternative since it does not supposedly possess the harmful side effect that opium use yields. The Renegade Pharmacist has explained how Kratom works in weaning opium dependents from heavy use of opiates. In its website, it explained how Kratom acts as a substance that could help addicts from overcoming their dependence.

Can kratom be used to help wean off from opium addiction? (Photo Credits
“Kratom isn’t an opiate, but it activates the opiate receptors in the brain. It bonds with those receptors before an opioid would, easing the effects of addiction in some ways.This helps curb recovering addicts cravings for the drug they’re giving up without the risk of long-term dependency. Kratom benefits also reduce typical symptoms of opiate withdrawal: (1) cramps; (2) vomiting; (3) nausea; (4) sleeplessness; (5) pain; (6) anxiety. It’s been a part of treatment for substance abuse that has helped addicts overcome their dependency on a wide range of drugs like heroin and alcohol.”

Check out the rest of the explanation in the article here.

Curbing Addiction

Phsychology Today also explained Kratom’s benefits in terms of helping overcome other forms of addiction apart from opium dependence. In their writte-up they also explained how this herbal supplement has become controversial as of late in the western world.

“One of the compounds in Kratom (mitragynine (MG) ) actually reduced self-administration of heroin in rats, and anecdotal evidence suggests the same might be true in humans. There is evidence that Kratom has much less associated risks than opioids, including fatal overdose. Kratom could also come to replace methadone in the treatment of heroin addiction—especially given its relative ease of production, making it ideal for poor and developing countries. It could be a viable alternative to replace alcohol for some.”

The continuation of the write-up can be found here.

Managing Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms meanwhile shared a more scientific explanation on how Kratom can help in relieving symptoms of opioid withdrawal and how it can help ease dependence on other similar addictive substances. Botanical Education Alliance

“This is part of the controversy, as the FDA is using this fact as justification for tighter regulation. It is true, however, that mitragynine likely binds only weakly to the opioid receptors, and perhaps to only a subset of receptors. This suggests that mitragynine might have less addictive potential than other opiates such as morphine, and may have fewer side effects. However, it may also have less potent benefits as well, which could mean a higher dose is necessary to achieve desired analgesia, which would also increase risks and side effects.”

The rest of the explanation can be found here.

Kratom is indeed a promising plant based substance that can help in curbing opium dependence.
